There is a real-world need for a shift in engineering philosophy towards disease-specific, outcomes-based technology. This need is so great that GE has formed strategic partnerships with organizations that are investing millions of dollars in the research and development of diagnostic technologies. To help with this effort, we built Tomorrow’s MR, the SIGNA(TM) Premier, an advanced MR system equipped with innovative coil and gradient technology that directly links to cloud-based analytics.
- Patients can continue taking any current medications as normal and for most MRI exams there are no restrictions on food or drink. Exceptions will be specified by your physician or MRI technologist.
- Because some metals interfere with the function of the MRI, patients are screened by the MRI staff. Please inform the staff of any metal you may have in your body.
- Please inform your physician and the imaging facility if you have any allergies, especially to gadolinium. Women should always inform their physician and MRI technologist if there is any possibility that they are pregnant.
- 3T MRI
- 70 cm wide bore
- 48 channel head coil and dedicated extremity coils
- Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI)
- Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI)
- Head first or feet first
- HyperBand, HyperSense and HyperCube resulting in fast scan time

Blue Star Imaging | At The Star
3800 Gaylord Parkway, Ste. 150 Frisco, TX 75034 (972) 497-4100