The Imaging Facility of the Dallas Cowboys


It’s not just our enhanced technology that gives Blue Star Imaging the diagnostic edge; it’s our commitment to servicing our community with the highest-quality medical treatment that our world-class Dallas Cowboys receive in order to remain healthy and competitive. The use of advanced procedures, services and images are critical to determining your care and treatment.


Blue Star Imaging provides its physicians and patients with increased diagnostic confidence through the use of advanced medical imaging managed by highly-skilled and experienced technologists with advanced certifications on the latest clinical applications, and board-certified sub-specialty radiologists on site.


As the imaging center for the Dallas Cowboys professional football team, Blue Star Imaging’s foundation is based on uncompromising commitment to quality, personalized patient service, state-of-the-art imaging technology, and best-in-class IT security standards.

Blue Star Imaging | At The Star

3800 Gaylord Parkway, Ste. 150 Frisco, TX 75034 (972) 497-4100


3800 Gaylord Parkway, Suite 150 | Frisco, TX 75034

Phone | 972.497.4100   Fax | 972.497.4104

Hours of Operation | Monday-Friday 7am-7pm

A Dallas Cowboys Property

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